We act with your best interest at heart
The CALM Center adopted this version of its Ethics Code during the April 8, 2019 session.
The current Code became effective on May 1, 2019.
Everything we do is for you
The CALM Center holds your faith, trust, personal information and privacy in the strictest of confidentiality. We are bond by the highest ethical code of conduct by our professsion. When you are in our care, we act with Honor, Ethics, Respect, Morality, Integrity and Trust (HERMIT). Only through honesty, transparency and authenticity can we establish a trust bond necessary for us to help you get to the core of what brought you to us.
The CALM Center understands that Mental health therapy is a tool to relieve or heal mental illness or disorder. Each therapy focuses on developing strategies and methods to manage emotions and feelings, and by extension one’s self in shifting environments that may be out of a person’s control.
We have convenient afternoon and weekend hours available for working people. We are centrally located in the southside business park area.
The primary goal of therapy is to 1) help empower someone to meet the personal and emotional challenges they face throughout life, 2) learn how to live their best life, and 3) overcome the mental difficulties and disorders that affect a person’s daily life. There are many mental health concerns that people can overcome with therapy. However, not all mental illnesses are curable. For these illnesses, therapy helps provide patients with coping mechanisms to control and live with a specific illness.
Before starting therapy, a person should consider what outcomes they want to achieve. It is important to understand and commit to the goals and objectives someone seeks. It provides the counselor with an understanding of the patient’s purpose and gives direction and a goal for the counselor to move toward. It allows each session to be meaningful and impactful. If a goal is unclear, a counselor can help work toward clarity. Then, together, they can chart a course that best serves the interests and goals of the patient.